Series and DataFrames with Rust and WebAssembly.


Fast, Series and DataFrames powered by WebAssembly and Rust.

5th May 2022 ~ Dion Pinto


Machine learning is an integral part of society. A fundamental cog in the machine learning wheel is data analysis, feature detection and manipulation along with visualisation. However, the current machine learning landscape is dominated by Python and its ML ecosystem consisting of NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib and Sklearn. The problem with using python for this is that they need a python runtime on the system which is not available on browsers. The aim of this project is to build a data analysis and manipulation tool along with a plotting library that runs in the browser powered by WebAssembly and Rust.

What is ml-wasm/entropy

Many organizations now run machine learning models on the browser. The most accessible way to interact with machine learning is through the browser as such using the browser for data preprocessing and wrangling is the logical next step.

Entropy stands for the degree of disorder and the ml-wasm/entropy library lets its users reduce the entropy of your data by structuring your data into series and dataframes from where they can manipulate the data, preprocess it and make it their own.

Why Ndarray?

The ndarray crate provides an n-dimensional container for general elements and for numerics. ml-wasm/entropy utilizes ndarray as its internal data representation. When we considered the creation of a series and dataframe like structures the options to consider for its internal data representation was a standard Rust vector or a ndarray.

The problem with utilizing a standard vector is we would have no access to fast and efficient operations which we would have to perform on the series and dataframes. The ndarray crate provides various methods which facilitate quick operations. It also provides various additional functionality such as its support with serde which allows us to quickly serialize and deserialize data from JavaScript to Rust and vice versa. Other than that, ndarray also supports rayon which gives us access to parallel iterators and parallel methods. ml-wasm/entropy utilizes ndarrays with the use of a ml-wasm/linalg utility wrapper.

What is wasm-bindgen

It is a Rust library that allows wasm and JavaScript to interact with each other. This is the package that lets us write code in Rust and then talk to JavaScript and interact with it. It allows us to import JavaScript functionality into Rust such as DOM manipulation, console logging etc.

Wasm-bindgen allows the end user to access methods written in Rust with the advantages of its speed and added memory safety all in JavaScript. As it is compiled into wasm it also has near native speed, which is comparable to stock Rust.

Why Rust?

For the entire lifetime of programming languages there has always been the focus on either the speed of the language or the memory safety of the language. A classic example would be programming languages with or without a garbage collector. Languages with inbuilt garbage collector generally tend to be slower example ruby than the likes of those without one like C++. However, many memory safety issues arise due to a lack of a garbage collector.

Rust however comes up with a solution that is both fast since it does not require a garbage collector but also ensures memory safety with concepts such as ownership and borrowing. However, no solution is perfect and the cost of utilizing Rust is slower compilation time and many compilation errors along with a higher learning curve just to begin using Rust.

For the purposes of this library however Rust is excellent as it has great support with libraries such as wasm-bindgen and excellent documentation with Rust used together with WebAssembly and tools such as wasm-pack.

Senior software engineer Mohit Agarwal outlined his involvement with Rust in his blog. After evaluation of runtime performances of Rust against other popular compiled and interpreted languages like java and python, some surprising results were found. Rust is twice as fast when compared to Java but only uses 1% of its memory. When compared with python, Rust is 150 times faster but it uses the same amount of memory. In a study by IBM, it was found that Rust and WebAssembly are nearly 15 times faster than Scala which is conventionally considered a high-performance language. Luca Palmieri published an article claiming that for simple machine tasks Rust is up to 25 times faster than Python.

Why WebAssembly?

WebAssembly is like a low-level assembly language which can be run on the browser. It allows code compiled on various languages to be run on the browser at nearly their native speeds.

Thus, for our library we will write the code in Rust and then compile it to WebAssembly, often abbreviated as wasm. Also, since the program will be compiled, the compiler can perform various compile time optimizations. Since, we are just writing Rust programs we can also utilize various features that it provides most notably memory safety without negatively impacting performance.


A series consists of a column name and the data array, the array is represented as an ndarray utilizing the implementation of ml-wasm/linalg wrapper and can have possible types: Integer 32bit, Float 64bit or String. Multiple methods can be utilized on the series depending on the use case of the developer.

# Documentation

  import { SeriesI32 } from “../pkg”;

  let s = new SeriesI32("oranges", [0,3,7,2]);


  // Output 
  | Oranges |
  | 0       |
  | 3       |
  | 7       |
  | 2       |


A Dataframe is a combination of multiple series of different types. It forms a table structure which can be used for many methods to sanitize/manipulate data.

# Documentation

  import { SeriesI32, DataFrame } from “../pkg”;

  let s1 = new SeriesI32("Apple", [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);

  let s2 = new SeriesF64("Orange", [1.1, 2.1, 3.1, 4.1, 1.2]);

  let s3 = new SeriesSTR("Banana", ["ba", "na", "na", "na", "na"]);

  let df = new DataFrame([s1.toJson(), s2.toJson(), s3.toJson()]);


  // Output 

  | Apple | Orange | Banana |
  | 1     | 1.1    | ba     |
  | 2     | 2.1    | na     |
  | 3     | 3.1    | na     |
  | 4     | 4.1    | na     |
  | 5     | 1.2    | na     |