SvelteKit on gh-pages
Publish SvelteKit Apps on gh-pages
12th May 2022 ~ Dion Pinto
I chose SvelteKit to build my portfolio website because I wanted to learn svelte or atleast get a feel for the framework. While utilising SvelteKit I came across some hurdles and challenges one of them being publishing the finished site, there are a plethora of resources available to publish a SvelteKit app to gh-pages however the approach via the svelteLand sveltekit blog site (Svelteland Link) did not work for me (NOTE: I am a moron who makes a lot of mistakes!!!)
You can find the git repository here (Repository Link)
I am assuming that you already have created a SvelteKit application and a git repo for that application. If not, create them now.
Configure Github Pages
The approach on the svelteLand blog was to host the site on a separate gh-pages branch on the /root folder, this would be my suggested approach as well as having a separate branch for the deployed jargon code is better, the main branch remains relatively clutter free. However, due to an unrelated error, I mistakenly thought this approach was wrong and I hosted the site in the /docs folder on the main branch (NOTE: Both of these approaches would work just fine.)
You can configure it as follows: Go to the repository settings -> pages
Configure SvelteKit
First we need to install the SvelteKit Static Adapter. It will output our app as a static set of files instead of a dynamic app.
npm i @sveltejs/adapter-static
Now you need to edit svelte.config.js as follows
import adapter from '@sveltejs/adapter-static'; // was adapter-auto
const dev = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development'; // the first half is process->env->NODE_ENV
// it is resolving to 'development'
// (NOTE: use . instead of -> while typing in file for process env NODE_ENV)
/** @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').Config} */
const config = {
kit: {
adapter: adapter({
pages: 'docs',
assets: 'docs'
paths: {
base: dev ? '' : '/dionpinto' //Your repo name here
prerender: {
default: true
export default config;
we target the /docs folder. (NOTE: this is beacuse of the approach I took hosting the site on main /docs on gh-pages)
Add .nojekyll file in static
Add a empty .nojekyll in the static folder.
We can finally deploy out application.
npm run build
Commit and push your changes
git add docs
git commit -m "Changes commited"
git push
gh-pages will then deploy your site